Bad latch

Hi girls, My baby is 11 weeks old and we really struggled with latching at the beginning. It got better after a few weeks but recently my baby is getting so restless when feeding and she’s constantly pulling her head back with my nipple in her mouth causing a shallow and painful latch. I unlatch and reattach properly and then almost immediately she will do the same again😫 This is happening with every feed!! Any tips?? She’s ebf and refuses to take a bottle so it’s not like I can just give her a bottle😭 It’s really affecting the enjoyment of breastfeeding…
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Have you tried to change the position in which baby is laying?

Same here, 8 weeks and just got worse again. Super frustrating

@Hayley Yes, it doesn’t help unfortunately🥲

Can you ask your HV if there is a lactation support group local to you? I find I can't follow advice from online or videos, I really need someone to physically show me adjustments for latching.

Have you checked for tongue tie? A midwife or Lactation consultant should be able to check for it. Mine has had the tongue tie sorted and latches really well now.

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