Yes that's what I think
It is around this age that a lot of separation anxiety happens. Even when I'm in the room, my boy will cry if he wants to be back with me. We live with my mum so she's been here since birth and he is very happy to go to her but if he sees or hears me he makes a fuss. Sounds like she was trying to soothe him, which is all you can ask from someone looking after your baby who isn't used to them doing it. If you aren't comfortable/ready to leave him, don't leave. Have her take the lead of playing or holding with you in the room or the next room to be there for reassurance for him.
Yes big peak of separation anxiety at this age. My baby always cries at my parents and we see them at least once a week, she cries every time I leave the room at the moment. It does get better. Playing peekaboo helps develop object permanence and helps them to understand you don’t just disappear when they can’t see you. But I agree crying is crying!
Thanks for your answers. I probably wasn't ready to leave him but I suppose i wouldn't have known that unless I tried. Feel guilty now that I left him. I think his grandmother needs to get to know him better before the next time
Don’t feel guilty about it, it was only 20 minutes! There will be times you’re going to have to leave him so practicing short spells away from him is a great start.
Crying is crying the lack of tears means nothing imo.