Have you tried nipple shields? Helps with the damage and I find it much quicker for latching
Also nipple cream is fab for sore nipples xx
Agree with Hester, I’m 4 weeks in EBF, nipple shields have been a big help for me and I tend to use at nighttime and latch is always almost instant just to ease the pain of sore nipples
Nipple cream + Nipple silver cups and express if you need! It does get better my first 2 weeks were hell and within a week or two the difference is remarkable…you can do this well done getting this far xx
Thank you all!!
@Maisie question on your pumping - how did you build supply? I’m doing very similar to give my nipples a break also to allow my husband a chance to spend time and feed her. But I am always only one bottle in fridge!! If I pump every 3 hours I worry there won’t be enough supply for her? Does this happen to you ever? I’m going to try power pumping too! Thanks for your help!
At 1-2 weeks my nipples where literally shredded, I ordered some silver nipple shields to where when not feeding, after 2 or 3 days they had magically healed x
My first 2-3 weeks were absolutely horrific with exclusively breastfeeding. Nips were cracked and dry and I just kept feeding her hoping it would get better. But how would they heal if I kept putting her back on it?? My left side was unbearable, so I stopped feeding her at the left breast, and would pump on the lowest setting. I would use nipple creams and silver cups (nipple shields didn’t work for me) and simply let the left nipple heal for 2 to 3 days. I then made sure she was latching properly and since then she has been fine. Also, express some breast milk on to the sore nipple and let some air get to it xx
Check for tongue tie. Jelonet wound bandages. Nipple cream. Deep breaths?! Keep it up:)
@Kay I’m still working on my supply actually! It’s not the best but in the morning I can produce around 150ml which I’m happy with! I usually do power pumping 2/3 times a day which is 20mins pump 10 mins rest 10 mins pump 10 mins rest 10 mins pump until you reach 1 hour! Just remember not everyone can pump a lot, me being one of them! It’s very normal to only produce 0.5oz-2oz per pump! Just continue to keep feeding her and pump as and when you can 💗 you’ve got this! X
This was the same for me! What I started doing was pumping every 3 hours and then power pumping at the start of the day to build up milk supply and then at night we would feed our wee one expressed breast milk and it was a lot easier whilst still getting boob milk xx