Advice please

Gave birth to my baby boy yesterday (18th Jan) and we started to practice latching but it was discovered his blood sugars were dangerously low so was given glucose gel and he guzzled 45ml of formula. Subsequent checks were the same so had a further 30ml formula, glucose and 1.5ml colostrum via syringe. He's now in NICU on IV glucose and being given formula. We had the option of tube feeding so as to avoid a preference of bottle as I'm hoping to breastfeed but we decided against this. I'm trying to hand express in the meantime as recommended by midwife but struggling with amounts. Any advice as to what I should do in this situation? Could I pump or use a hakkaa or is it too early to do this? Thanks in advance 🩵
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Ah congratulations! Hope he is well soon ❤️ I would pump in this situation as baby would’ve been drinking anyways, so I don’t think it’s too early. But the hospital should be able to advise xx

Get pumping! The hospital should be able to help you with one while you are there! X

@Jess thank you so much. I'm going to double check with the feeding team today but just thought I'd reach out to you ladies too 🥰🥰 xxx

@Hannah thank you so much. I'm going to double check with the feeding team today but just thought I'd reach out to you ladies too 🥰🥰 xxx

Yes you can punk the hospital will give you a pump if they’ve got one there. They usually do but people take them home and never return! Then you can store your milk and use it to feed little one. Someone in hospital next to me was doing that then she’d go down and feed it through the tube xx

Get pumping girl ❤️ there will only be tiny amounts to begin with. But the more frequent and often you do it it’ll ease the pain in your boobs and also begin to express more. If you sterilise your finger and get some of baby’s spit on it rub it on your nipples too to stimulate your body into thinking they’re close by xx

Same happened to my baby, I used the pump straight away even though so many people said you shouldn’t until 6 weeks! Congratulations ❤️

When my baby was in NICU I pumped and she was tube fed that for a while before we started latching to BF properly. Had to pump every 2/3 hours to keep supply up x

@Amber thanks beaut, he's now being tube fed now too so other half went and fetched my hand expressed syringes from the freezer at home and I've got the pump going now to give them to feed via the tube xxx

I’d start pumping , even if it’s small amounts it will encourage your milk to come ❤️

Congratulations! Definitely pump. They should provide one in the hospital you can borrow. I pumped when my first born was in NICU. I went in to feed every 3 hours and then pumped directly after and within a couple days I was pumping extra than needed and built up a huge fridge and freezer stash to take home

I started pumping while I was in hospital hun as my son had low blood suger levels too đź©·

Thank you so much girls, reassuring to hear others have been in a similar situation too. Love to you all xxx

Congratulations! You can start pumping right away! If baby isn’t taking it right now just freeze it and start yourself a little stash! That’s what I did when my son was in the NICU.

Hi Shelley! When I gave birth I was only able to breast feed out daughter for two days and then I got mastitis. So I couldn’t breast feed her for days and could only pump and give her by bottle or by tiny cup. I tried the cup for a day for multiple times but she was losing so much weight then I thought fck it I’ll bottle feed her… then she started gaining weight and I used nipple shield while my nipple and breast were recovering and she took the boob!

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