Babies can teeth whenever as some are even born with teeth. I can see where you mean but that looks like where her first molars would be and they’re not usually the first teeth to come through x
@Nire thank you!! I thought it was a bit early xx
@Jazmine thank you xx
Hey mama Early Educator👋❤️ please don't feel crazy- all babies put their hands or objects in mouth for sensiormotorship/ sensory exploration. "Teething" can happen early, however very uncommon for first tooth to pop in before 5mo of age as a few factors can enhance the teeth breaking through such as- Early feeding/ intro to cereal.. I do not agree with modern day advice to intro food Early, it's best to go by your baby. Every baby, every human, is a unique individual like a snowflake we may be similar to others, but we are our own unique genes/DNA etc. With that are your babies nails trimmed? You can avoid baby angers 😠 lol by keeping nails really trimmed down to their nail beds so they don't scratch their gums ❤️ it's like papercuts in your mouth & that's no fun, & babies love to aggressively attack their mouths out of just exploration "Hey this thing is wet, this is squishy haha, this is fun" 🤣❤️ don't let this bother you, your baby can feel your feelings 😉 I'd go off the comment with saliva glands
Now as baby gets into 5-6 months if they start popping teeth, YES it's safe to now intro cereal but this shouldn't be a meal plan. It's more so to see if they want to eat (rice cereal, barley, rye, oat) then I wouldn't intro veggie until 6mo of age when recommended & id stick to cereal & veggies only until 8mo when or if they really want to eat by then. But again.. this is a newer practice. & I do still agree as a professional who works with infants, that you stick to a milk diet as long as possible. My daughter didn't eat at all until 8.5/9mo old & it was rice, cereal & veggies. Food before 1 is just for fun. & I still stand by that lol
My son had his two bottom front teeth by the time he was 3 months but his teeth take ages to emerge...currently on 16 at 16months old...feel like he's been teething his entire not to scare you but it could be the start!
No sign of teething there x
Both my kids started teething at 5/6 weeks old but didn't get their first teeth until 5 months old, so they could be teething but won't get teeth yet
I don't think so their gums change when their teeth are actually coming in. Good luck mama
Personally I don't think so. The drooling can also be down to saliva glands starting up.