So so tired

I’m 8 weeks and I’ve not been able to move off the sofa all day and nearly all of yesterday. I feel so tired. Hoping it gets better
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At least I’m not the only one!! Hang in there muma it’ll all be worth it xx

This has been me since week 5 till now (week 10), I feel like a seal, the weather is not helping either

I have days like this! I'm 12 weeks now, I'm trying to regularly exercise and enjoying it but I am also having days where I can't move off the sofa for hours

Im the same, tiredness and sickness is killing me this time round

Feeling this!

Yes this, so exhausted. My toddler is keeping me going but when he goes to bed I literally collapse on the sofa 🫠

@Sarah I don’t understand how people do this with a toddler 🤯

Same 8 weeks 2 days and I'm absolutely shattered really struggling going to work as well 😴

I’m solo parenting this week too for a few days as my husband is away with work. I’ve also got such a busy week at work myself I am terrified at the thought of it. I’ve not been able to do anything hardly for my 3 year old the past few days so grateful for my husband so now terrified of him going away 🥲

I’m glad it’s not just me 11 weeks 2 days the exhaustion is intense, going to bed at 8pm sleeping through til 7 needing a nap some days. Hoping the exhausted isn’t going to last

The other day I slept until 3pm and today I’m full of energy. Magic of pregnancy 🥲 10+5

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