Speak to your midwife. I’ve been given medicine to help with my constipation. I find when I take it, it settles my tummy for a few days so I only take it every few days now and feel like normal again
Is there anything you’ve eaten that triggers it? I found I couldn’t eat tomato sauces while pregnant as the suffering wasn’t worth it.
I had this a few weeks ago it was so painful I was nearly in tears. I got some sachets from the chemist that helped they are called fibrogel. They are safe to take while pregnant xx
Mix chai seeds with water or even yogurt!! I swear my it and it fixes me up haha
Natural remedies and cheap ways are to increase water, when constipated your bowels will continue to absorb the moisture whilst everything is ‘stuck’ making it much more difficult to pass so lots of water will help. Grapes, watermelon, peppermint tea and supplements containing inulin fibre help. If all else fails lots of constipation medication from pharmacies are safe during pregnancy. Good luck!
Increase fibre in your diet aswell as carbs ?? Not too much also speak to your midwife about how long since you last went , they could shed some light