I had implantation bleeding with my first and no spotting for any other pregnancy
I did with my daughter, but not with my son. I had a subchorionic haematoma and it was actually quite heavy bleeding rather than spotting x
Once at 5w4d and none since.
Oh oops I voted no, but I meant yes. I didn’t have implantation bleeding, but I did have random bleeding during my pregnancies. Especially my first. My second pregnancy had bleeding but I’m convinced it was from a hemorrhoid😅
I had quite a big bleed at 7 weeks, had a scan to show baby was fine and then had another big bleed a few days later but all was fine again and it was a successful pregnancy and I had no more bleeding. This was different to my miscarriage where the bleeding started and just got heavier and heavier x
Yes I did at 6-7-10 and 15 weeks they never found the cause, in all this time I had a scan to make sure everything was going well
I had spotting at 9, 12, 15 and 21 weeks.
At 6 weeks dark light light blood from implantation
I’ve had spotting multiple times during this (my first) pregnancy. Including passing a weird clot at 29 weeks.
My first pregnancy, yes. My other three, no
I had spotting all the way for nearly 13 weeks
I had a gush of blood come out and went to the hospital they didn’t know where it was from and sent me home. I did bed rest for 2 weeks and it resolved on its own. 🤍
Nothing with my first but implantation bleeding with my current 🥰
I had spotting throughout my first pregnancy. My kiddo was born as a preemie but he is healthier than all his friends now lol
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I had a subchorionic haematoma so had some quite heavy bleeding.
Did with first, none with second
In my first pregnancy I did in first trimester after sex or difficult bowel movements. It was always more pink in colour and stopped after wiping. I believe it was because my cervix was more sensitive. I haven't had any in my current pregnancy.
The only time for me was implantation
I did for weeks with pregnancy #1 and nothing this pregnancy.