We did both from the start and she’s fine, she takes both
We did both from more or less the start and had no issues :)
I regret not doing it sooner. My baby is 5 months now and is refusing a bottle. One of my friends introduced a bottle from birth as well as breastfed, and her baby is fine takes both
From the beginning. Let your husband feed the baby a bottle and get some sleep every now and then
From day two :) baby takes milk from anything at any temp. No nipple confusion here
from the beginning, but didn’t give it to her often till two weeks. And she bottle feeds at least once or twice at night so her dad can feed her and then I pump
My supply was low so I gave him bottle from the beginning
The dont recommend introducing bottles before 4 weeks to make sure that yours and babies match is fully developed first. It can interfere with how baby latched onto the best. You could ask them though at your appointment