Strange/separation anxiety

Anyone else’s 5 month old developed this yet? She cries at everyone that isn’t me. When I leave the room she cries and she never did this before
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My girl is bad if she can’t see me or her dad but is ok other wise x

It’s completely normal. 6-9 months they realise they’re no longer a part of you and they’re their own person which is strange to them so when you leave, they think you’re abandoning them basically. Make a “game” of it so say you need to go to the kitchen to grab a drink and she starts crying poke your head back round the door (peak a boo) and then make yourself a drink, and then poke your head back in/go back in. Same with getting the washing out the washing machine, play peak a boo round the door leaving for extended amounts of time (not ages) and she’ll soon regulate that you’re not leaving her and will always come back x

@Rhiannon she cries even when dad just looks at her, I don’t get it😩

@Keeley oh I see, that’s so interesting! I’ll defo have to try that thank you x

Mines fine with her dad, but anyone else is an absolute no no, just cries uncontrollably 😭 it's very draining lol

@Emily maybe it’s because he works long hours so she doesn’t see him as much? It’s so strange and draining because it means I’m the only one she’s happy with😭she used to love him so much x

If she is breastfed it would make sense as you have a deep bond like no other. My girl is formula fed and her dad is so active with her she gets us like 60/40 so she isn’t just attached to me all the time but I am preferred if she’s sad it seems.

@Rhiannon she’s also formula fed. Maybe it’s related to her not seeing her dad much. She does down for the night at 6pm so he only see her for about an hour a day unless it’s the weekend. It’s so sad🥲

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