Mine only has sips of it. I still BF on demand. He’s at nursery a few days a week now, doesn’t drink milk during the day on those days and is fine with water and food.
@Chloe oh really! That’s settled my anxiety, thank you! She’ll only be in nursery 3 days a week so hopefully she’ll be ok without it! I thought I’d be stopping bf by 1 year, but I guess I’ll have to keep going😅😅
@Megan My son does 3 days as well, long days too. They’ve tried with cows milk as well, but he just isn’t that phased by it! They don’t *need* cows milk either, so if you’re happy with her diet providing the calcium she needs, and she eats well enough that you’re happy with weight gain etc, you can still wean off of breastfeeding if that’s what you wanted to do, so she just wouldn’t have any kind of milk. My little one is very much a fan of milk still, but I planned to let him self wean anyway (like my first child did) but I would like to be finished around the same time as I was before! (18mo)
I'm slowly adding it in to her bottles but she's bottle fed anyway we having out 20ml from each bottle and adding cows milk we are on week one still then after we will be dropping another 20ml then adding 40ml of cows milk instead and hope by the end she'll be on it fully