It's normal to have a hero boob and a slacker boob. It's worth trying to think about alternating which side baby starts with if you normally offer both sides at a feed and that might help even things up a bit
I have the exact same!
I’d suggest researching power pumping as can help increase the amounts you produce. Also keep hydrated, water & lucozades & taking Fenugreek supplements- can help boost supply! x
I have the same, and for some reason, after 2 weeks pp, the hero boob became the slacker boob and vice versa!! I haven’t had them even out 😂
Yesss suffering with this!! I did have mastitis which has left a few cysts on that side though I think that’s having an impact 😣 I keep doing things to try and increase my supply but it just seems to be affecting my good side and filling that up huge😂😂 xx
Morning supply is apparently more so pump as early in the day as you can. Try to increase oxytocin- chocolate anything you find relaxing etc a nice bath etc I was stressing on same and as soon as i followed that advice it helped- got my partner to hug me while I ate ferrero rochers and it legit noticeably upped my milk. Focus on you and try not to focus too much on it 🙏
@Lauren how strange I also had mastitis on my rubbish boob maybe that's had an impact too!!
@Shelby it could do! I went for a scan at the hospital and turns out I have a few small cysts around my ducts from mastitis so they’ll be effecting my supply 😣 just got to wait for them to clear however long that’ll be xxx
@Shelby repeating myself forgot I had already put that in my comment🤣🤣
I do exactly the same as you and get similar amounts!