Help is this true

Can I breast feed my 8 month old while pregnant ? I’ve been told by the elders I should stop now .
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Yes you can. Your milk will dry up for a period of time and it then goes back to colostrum but if you are happy to dry nurse then you can carry on for as long as you like.

@Becky didn’t know about dry nursing thank you

Yes you can however your milk may dry up around 16 weeks so if baby is still under 1 then you will need to offer formula if you don’t have a breastmilk stash

@Jessica I have milk from first 2 months where I was pumping loads . Can that still be used ? It was kept in a standing freezer (so not fridge freezer ) If so then I’ve got a lot & ima pump as much as I can before it drys ups . Thank you

Yes it's safe to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy in most normal pregnancies (there's some high risk pregnancies where there would be medical advice to stop). The hormonal changes may cause a drop in supply as already mentioned and as your little one is under one you may need to supplement. Some babies/ toddlers don't like the taste change when your milk switches over to colostrum and also might not want to dry nurse if your supply drops or drys up, others will happily nurse throughout. I'm currently 36 weeks pregnant and still breastfeeding my toddler.

@Jess wow that’s crazy I didn’t know I thought I had to stop at 5 months to prevent early labour

If you carry on feeding throughout then it won’t induce labour if they stop feeding for months and then start again it could induce labour. Your body adjusts to it

@Becky ok so in other words don’t stop at all . Because my mum said my son will be drinking all the new babies nutrients lol I got scared

I think it’s still 6 months no matter what type of freezer

I mean, she’s not wrong in the sense your body now has to supply nutrients to you, your baby in your belly and the milk you’re supplying it’s working triple time and therefore can’t put all its efforts into the baby it’s making

@Jessica ahh damn then that means the milk I have is all gone off . Ima use for baths only .

@Erin Webster I hear that .

@Erin Webster that’s not true at all. Your milk reduces/stops in early pregnancy and then turns to colostrum which it does anyway if you are feeding or not. As long as you are eating enough calories there is no risk to the developing baby at all. It’s pretty standard practice in some cultures and our bodies are more than capable. Your milk will dry up before there is risk to the developing baby, the body will prioritise the baby over milk making and your own health.

@Becky Oh okay yeah makes sense, thanks

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