Mine isn't doing either. He will walk a little if you're helping him and he will cruise along furniture and use his walker to push along the room but nothing independent
Nope, he is cruising really well and pulling to stand on things but isn’t standing on his own or standing up without holding something
I really thought my baby would be walking by now I think because my son walked by 12 months … I’m sure we have nothing to worry about
My daughter just turned 15 month, she just took her first few steps, she was cruising up until then and standing but no steps. Honestly I’ve stopped worrying now because it’s going to happen! X
Mine isn’t standing independently or walking either. She can hold on with one hand and cruise around furniture x
My son is 15 months, he is not walking yet. He can stand and he will hold onto furniture and walk around. He hasn't independently taken his first steps yet x
Mine is walking
My little girl isn’t walking yet , she stands for about 30 seconds sometimes she looks like she’s about to walk near me but realises what she is doing then holds back on to furniture