
Are you all sending your littles to nursery? We are very lucky to have grandparents nearby who have offered to watch our little one when I go back to work part time. All the other Mums I know are sending their babies to nursery because they have no other option but why am I feeling guilty? Will my baby miss out? 🥹
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My little girl goes to nursery 4 days a week. She does 8-6 2 days and 8-1 the other 2 days. I had to go back to work full time but even if I didn't or if I had more family around I would still send her for the funded hours she will get. She's only been to nursery 1.5 days so far as she got sick but I already seen a huge difference in her after that, in just the way she was playing with toys. It was kind of more with purpose

At the moment my mum gets Mondays off so if I were to return to work she'd take her on the Monday and my little girl would be in nursery the rest of the week or the rest of the day I work. It's just what would work for us and would help with money

My mums having the baby. I’ll be 3 days a week. She had my niece and nephew from 11 months also.

I sent my first to a childminder then a nursery and both were horrible for her but I had to work. We ended up ditching out of the home childcare and got babysitters so I could keep working for a while so that’s all my second experienced and honestly I don’t think he remembers but I did feel bad that we didn’t get art home and other nursery things but on the whole I don’t regret it, I might send him soon just so he can play with some other kids his size and age. April baby will not be going (unless the sky falls and I have to work again) till she’s old enough to talk to me, I’m happy with that. I would love to have family childcare over the experience of professional care we’ve had, MUCH less illness for a start. (Eldest is home educated and the others will follow suit I think, idea she’d go the some childcare but she can’t for now)

No, our LG won’t be going to Nursery until 2 (maybe later) and my mum / MIL will be our childcare

My baby won't be going to nursery til she is 3. I want to spend as much time as possible with her whilst she is small and I believe she feels the same so we will continue to do all our classes, groups and swimming etc together where she meets and interacts with lots of other babies and go from there.

Mine is going 2 days, grandparents 1 day x

My parents and mil will be having baby, I'll be going to work 3 days a week 12.5 hour shifts x

My little girl started nursery at the beginning of January. We have grandparents Mondays and nursery the other 3 mornings that I work. My little boy went to nursery at 9 months (now 2.5) and he thrived there. His language is amazing, so is his knowledge and understanding and social skills. My friend's little girl is only going to nursery for the first time now at 2.5 and although she enjoys it, she doesn't have the social skills. She's been with grandparents and her parents to classes and out with friends but always had someone one to one that's been there for her so she's not learnt how to defend for herself in a way. All kids/babies are different and different settings and situations choose them but personally, I am glad of nursery and would always choose to send my children

What is it exactly that children that are under 1 year old benefit from nursery? What is it that they do there that they can not do at home with their mother?

My LG will be going to nursery two days a week and 1 day with each grandparent when I return to work 4 days a week x

Not looking at sending my boy to nursery until he is 2, probably 3. Atm I'm with him pretty much full time, apart from Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings when I work, that's when my husband will look after solely. We don't have family to rely on as they all work full time, but we have worked out a good balance as a family between me and my husband 😊❤️

@Sandrina I can’t afford to lose 50 grand a year personally 🤣

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