Not wanting to be sexually active postpartum
Does anyone else struggle with not wanting to have sex anymore? Like, I just don’t care about it and I feel so bad for my husband.. I’ve never felt like this before and was the complete opposite before… I just feel like it isn’t necessary and other things are more important. I still love being affectionate and cuddly but also find it not happening as much.. I love him so much and feel like I’m being selfish because sometimes he tries but I always tell him I’m not in the mood. It’s been almost a year since we have been sexually active.. please tell me I’m not the only one.
Get some rest you're not broken you have nesting hormones that even can make you dry down there but also you're exhausted like the most tired and vitamin depleted you will ever be in your life so eat very nutritious foods to get you calcium omegas and iron back and sleep as much as you can that's the only way you'll get your drive back I'll remind you um you almost died that's what making a child is a person really can't go through much more without kicking the bucket you're not selfish you are healing but if you must have sex use lube post partum bits are dry as the desert for like almost a year after don't rush yourself you'll regret it