
How long after birth did your vagina start feeling better .. I’m 5 days postpartum and my vagina is still hurting so bad ???
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Several weeks i think! Once the bleeding stopped but if you’re really struggling i’d get it checked by your doctor/midwife xx

Are you taking regular pain relief? Really normal to be sore for a few weeks but gradually getting better.

I gave birth January 6th and it still hurts. I had severe stitches though. Make sure to drink actual cranberry juice (no sugar added) to keep UTIs away because I didn't do that and now it's worse.

Depends if you tore ! Several weeks Like 2 months before having the courage to use it again 🥲

Probably a couple weeks, first week it was just painful to get out of bed and the car etc. I used a peri bottle second time round with my stitches and that was really helpful

it took me 3 weeks to feel no pain at all. the first week was rough! definitely use a peri bottle to “wipe”, maybe try putting aloe or watch hazel in your pads. that helped me a lot

Mine took about 3 weeks to feel decent again. But witch hazel foam and pads provided immediate relief! I also used ice pads at night when I wanted to get some sleep.

Yep! Normal! About 1.5 months! It took a while for me. Ask your Dr about sitz baths! Also get a cool pack to sit on! It helps alleviate the pain.

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