Breastfeeding & period

I seemed to have started a light period today.. I exclusively BF and pump on top of this.. my supply when pumping has dropped dramatically, I’m not even getting half an oz combined after a 30 min pump and was getting 4oz before. I’m worried my baby isn’t getting enough on the boob too? He’s going through the 4 month sleep regression so is unhappy & fussy more anyway, so not sure if it’s due to my supply or not? He’s still having plenty of wet & dirty nappies.
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Hey, I noticed the same thing with my little girl. I was also exclusively breast feeding and once I started my 3rd period it was very heavy and my milk supply went down too. I started formula for her night feeds and BF during the day. Also noticed having chicken soup helps and snacking throughout the day helps my supply.

@Lays thank you lovely! 🫶🏼 going to see how I go but may have to introduce some formula x

If there’s no change to nappy’s then your baby is getting plenty. Pumping isn’t an indication of your supply and baby is much more effective at getting milk out. It will pass as your period does. I would avoid formula where possible, it stretches their stomach so you would have to continue with this new pattern most likely. Plenty of breastfeeding support groups that give great advice and support x

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