I have no idea what Braxton hicks feel like but for the past few days I keep getting cramps, not painful or consistent I assume this is them?
iv been having the same issue but mine have been painful for all im 33 weeks and dont get why they hurt so much?
@Kimberley that and also hardening of the stomach. Basically it feels like your belly starts hugging itself.. if that make sense. And it kinda tightens your skin which is what causes “pain” but it’s more like a uncomfortable feeling
The lightening crotch is the worse.. mine happens whenever baby moves or when I need the bathroom so bad. Like it just feels like a shape burn down there
WhT does braxton hicks feel like? Im 32 weeks and havent had any pain
@atosa it’s your belly going hard and tightens. People think it’s the cramps but cramps are due to round ligament stretching. Braxton hicks is more like your whole stomach just contracts but without labour pains. Like there is pain but if it’s your first, the pain is more just in the stomach, but labour pains would be allll over the body.
I started getting braxton hicks last week too I was 32 weeks. Honestly the worst feeling felt like a churning feeling. I’m not sure it means baby is coming early I just think it’s practice contractions as your body prepares for labour you’re nearly there, I had it in my first pregnancy too and my son was 2 days late x