@Tosha i think it's trying to because I've been cramping and saw some pink a couple weeks ago Can you elaborate on the calories? I was doing 2400 ish I just cut it down to 2200. I tried 2k once early on but that's way too low. How much you think I should be eating?
Definitely recommend a power pump during nap time! It will help increase supply. I also noticed an increase when I drank coconut water and ate oats😊
I would honestly say that you shouldn’t necessarily lower your calorie intake considering breastfeeding alone takes 700+ of your daily intake. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to lose weight so soon 🥹 try heavenly hunks organic oatmeal chunks from Costco they helped me a lot! Stay hydrated and eating good meals. Power pumping should help and if you have access to a lactation consultant with your insurance id take advantage of one ❤️
@Sarah Oats are essential to life! Lol
@Nia so I would subtract 700 and count that as burnt calories?
You need extra calories for better milk production. Cutting your calories down is probably why your milk has gone down. I wouldn’t worry about calorie cutting. For a lot of women the extra weight comes off when you stop breastfeeding.
Girl I would honestly just eat as normal plus a little extra. Almost as if you were still pregnant lol. I breastfed my oldest for 2+ yrs and currently have a 15mo old that breastfeeds for comfort. If your priority right now is to breastfeed your little one and have a good supply id focus on that because motherhood is already hard on it’s own and adding breastfeeding to it is a beast on its own. You’re rocking it regardless ❤️ but making changes in the type of food you eat i.e less processed etc can make a difference and I believe that you’ll naturally see a difference with those changes without sacrificing your calories! I started following “guidedfitmama” on instagram and she has great tips also
@Mariah I don’t like oats but I forced myself to eat them lmao 😂😭
@Nia thanks mama! I'm looking her up
@Sarah what?! I love them. I'm always switching up what I add in but breastfeeding or not I keep Oats in the house lol
@Mariah it’s the texture for me! lol 😅
Has your period returned? I get a pretty significant dip in my supply the week before my period hits, but it comes back as it starts and progresses. It's also possible to dropped your calories too low. Maybe try eating maintenance calories and have the deficit come from your supply. 😊