I also got my library’s app on my phone - not my preferred reading type but means I can quickly dip in and out without having to remember something else to have with / near me!
I borrowed a kindle to see if I liked it and it was great. Really easy to read one handed while breastfeeding so I got one of my own for my birthday 😊
I just do the standard feed position x
Kindle all the way
I use my kindle or listen to an audible book :)
I couldn't read a book and breastfeed so I just used Libby and the Kindle app on my tablet
I haven’t done it myself yet but i would imagine a kindle would be easiest! Especially if you have a holder and a page turner! Or listening to an audio book🥰
Kindle. It's lighter and means you don't need a light on (I used to read to keep myself awake at night feeds)
I have a kindle on a floor stand with a little clicker remote so I can feed and read virtually hands free
@Jordon oooo! Advanced 👏🏻
@Nikki it's a bit extra but it works so well for feeding and contact naps 👏
@Jordon i have the gooseneck stand that attaches to the side of the bed but i’ve asked for one of those fluffy cushion ones as a ‘push present’😂 so it’s more portable haha, it also has a bowl for snacks which i’ve got a feeling will be a winner whilst breastfeeding😂
@Courtney I’ve never heard of this. Send a link. Sounds interesting
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@Courtney Thank you 🤗🤗
I lay down on my side and feed the baby while reading over his shoulder.