Postpartum rage??

I have a 2 year old and a 5month old .. some days are better than others but I have so much anger and I’m not sure where it comes from .. is it the lack of sleep? The lack of time I get for myself or is it just the overwhelming stress I feel all day long catering to both kids? My toddler is always loud running around and screaming and I just can’t stand the screaming and the constant yelling no .. every time I seem to get the baby to sleep he decides it’s time to be the loudest and cry.. I’m home all day and can’t even catch a break.. I should be happy to see my son being a kid but sometimes I just find myself angry and can’t even smile with him when I should.. my milk supply is so low because I can’t even be consistent with my pumping because I simply have no time and it makes me more stressed out. I feel like I’m losing my mind here
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I have a 3 year old and a 9 month old and same… I stopped pumping cuz I got barely anytime to pump I went dry and no time for myself at all.. I feel angry too like I’m not enjoying my toddler rn but it’s a hard time. I try to take it day by day it’s so hard tho but I see you🥺

It’s so hard and I feel so guilty all the time . Like maybe if I wasn’t so angry I can be a better mom to them

I have ppr also. I find a lot of it stems from lack of supportive adults in my corner and also just adjusting to being a mom. I have a 9 month old. I'm looking into moving away from here and going with my friend who can help me get on my feet and be a good support system for me.

Talk to your doctor, PPD can include PP rage and it’s always good to rule out and get the help you need if that’s affecting you. Having kids in a similar age range yes some days are hard and yes trying to keep up with a pumping schedule with a low supply can really take its toll, consider alternatives. I had to shift to formula exclusively due to low supply and the stress it was causing trying to keep up with baby/toddler and the demands of a struggling supply with no relief. It was the best thing for my mental health to just give that up! There was a little mom guilt at first but honestly it was way less stressful and still is when juggling mom duties and allows more quality time with my kids. Fr, chat with your doctor about getting screened for PPD! Getting a proper diagnosis for whatever is going on and managing those things are such a game changer (in a good way).

I’m in the same boat. 😔. Here to talk and or listen if you ever need.

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