@Kayina I taught my niece how to potty train it’s my boys who im having a hard time with my oldest show him all the time it’s my two year old who watches and does nothing on it
I'm so sorry, sounds like a rough spot from multiple angles. I only have girls and mt 2 year old (the youngest) is just starting to use the big toilet. I'd suggest letting him wear big boy underwear and a shirt around the house and only use pull-ups for going out or at night. This way he has to use the pot at home. You could also toss a few cheerios into the toilet for "target practice" and make things more fun. Best of luck
Hi Leyah, I have two girls—one is 3 years old, and the other is 1. From my experience, it’s much easier to potty train when you have one child who already knows how to use the potty. What worked for me was praising the one who used the potty in front of the one I was training. For example, my baby (the 1-year-old at the time) sat on the potty to show her 3-year-old sister, and that’s how she learned! Of course, the younger one couldn’t actually use the potty yet, but just having her “demonstrate” was really helpful. Trust me, it made a big difference!