You can if you can bare the pain/discomfort. It might just be a bit pink. Which is normal if you have mastitis
Thank you. And the pumped milk, is it okay to give to baby?!?
@Naomi yes!
Also, ice after! Did they advise you to take ibuprofen for the pain and inflammation as well? I would also recommend looking into starting a probiotic too, to help your body out after the antibiotics. It helps! I have had mastitis 4 times in the last 3 months and these are all things that I found helpful ☺️
Thank you! Yeah but I’ve got asthma so shouldn’t really take ibuprofen! She also said to use heat rather than ice!? X
Yes like others have said Ice/ibuprofen (if you can)/ normal pumping & feeding but not extra on that side. I also found I was super prone to clogged ducts/mastitis and like Makelle said taking a probiotic has helped me
Use an ice pack and massage the knots out as well. Mastitis is inflammation so cold helps reduce some of the inflammation and gently massaging the painful areas towards your nipple while feeding or pumping. That’s what really helped me. Mine was gone within a couple days.
@Leanne thank you for this! Really helpful ☺️ I’m just slightly concerned now as I even questioned the doctor when she said heat, I asked is it not supposed to be cold to reduce the heat and swelling and she said no! And also as I’ve been prescribed antibiotics, what if I don’t even need them!
@Ryann @Makelle thank you both! I’ve had to go dairy free for the little one so hopefully I can find a nice dairy free one !! Do you just take it daily? Or only for a week or two after taking antibiotics x
@Kelston thank you very much ❤️
@Naomi unfortunately many GPs don't stay up to date with the latest research in all fields- understandably, given their range is so vast! I'm just sharing my experience, as I was also told heat but it didn't help! I really hope it clears soon for you!
Hiya! I pumped my mastitis boob, it definitely was a ‘hold on in there’ kinda pain but at that point I was doing anything to elevate the pressure 💖