mine got so much worse at 11 weeks! it did ease around 12 weeks, i’m 13+2 now & i’m still feeling nauseous but it’s not as bad. my midwife says around 14 weeks is when you’ll start to feel better as the placenta takes over x
i know it’s not what you want to hear, but it’s best not to have a date in mind of when you expect it to stop… i suffered right up to around 18 weeks. it stopped until about 28 weeks, and i’ve been nauseous my WHOLE third trimester too, i’m 35 weeks and still suffering, now with the added pressure, pains etc and feel i may be suffering more now than i was in 1st tri… my biggest advice, is ice poles! i went through SO many while nauseous as a “cold mouth” helped slightly and i didn’t let myself get warm at all ( slept with a loose duvet cover, lukewarm showers etc) and made sure i stayed in well ventilated rooms xxx
Mines eased at 17 weeks then didn’t come back until a week before I had him! X
I was sick between 10-20 times a day for 5 months, not to make you feel worse! It's definitely a myth that it just magically stops at 12 weeks, that's not the case for a lot of people unfortunately. It's a bit like how it's a total myth that it only happens in the morning. It will get better though, just don't have any expectations for when it will end. And if you're struggling to keep food and water down, speak to your midwife or go to triage and they may be able to sort you out with some kind of anti sickness medication
I had to go on cyclizine I think it’s called for my sickness as I was barley even sick unless nervous but I felt 24/7 nauseas, these helped for a while but my sickness didn’t fully go till 18 ish weeks I could only drink ice cold water/ lots of gum and mints
Mine lasted until about 20 weeks 😩 you just have to basically go into survival mode every day , it’s so tough
I’m 21 weeks today and had to take a day off work because I feel so rubbish from vomiting so I feel your pain. Thankfully people like me are in the minority and you should feel better between 12-16 weeks!
In the same boat as you. Can’t imagine feeling “good” again but hoping better days are coming! Xx