@Uriah no it’s my mom and her wife
Go to a mom shelter with the babies
Oh tell her to shut up lol that’s your momma house to and like people shouldn’t hell if they don’t really care
@Uriah my mom doesn’t want me to go to a shelter. She wants me here so she can help me with the kids. Plus I don’t have my license or a car. So she thought it would be easier for me to stay here. It’s just my mom’s wife who’s not liking me and my kids here.
Right so that other lady need to shut up like girl that’s why she don’t have kids your momma didn’t help so she could be mean and don’t lock yourself in that room go help out in the house and help keep things clean and don’t be hiding because your feelings are hurt help in the house just talk to your moma not her
You got this and do child care for your momma if yall have it so she can get paid for watching them
Have you talked to your mom about it?
@Ragine yeah she just says that she’s being a b*tch.
I agree, ignore her and work with your mom. Or confront it and sit down with her and explain that you're in a really hard shitty situation and YOUR MOM wants you there and wants to help you get back on your feet, and the more support and love and kindness you and your kids have around you, the quicker that process will be.
Talk to your mom and tell her how it is effecting you OR talk to your stepmom. (You should be able to talk to her too)
So talk to her wait ain’t this his momma ? You can’t expect better when her son acting crazy he gets it from her