Not his boobs. Not his problem.
Tell him to grow tf up!
Why does he have a problem with you feeding your baby using the organ on your body that’s primary purpose is to feed babies?? If it is due to him sexualising breasts then I’m afraid that is his problem- he doesn’t own your boobs (or any other part of you!)
How is bottle feeding easier?! It’s such a faff! 🙄 Good on you mama for sticking with it and not being convinced otherwise. And tell him to man up!
Idk how formula is easier than whopping a tit out
My ex did this I now formula fed due to him make me feed bad about the way I fed baby, my supply and feeding outside. IGNORE HIM he needs to grow up. Feed wherever and whenever your body was made to feed your baby if he doesn’t like it let him go sulk like a baby
It is so much easier to breastfeed than make up a bottle whilst out! Ask him what the real issue is, we can help!
You do what you want and feed baby however you like, kudos to you for breastfeeding mentally not able to do it, not like bottle feeding is any easier either ,does he know how much you have to take with you when you bottle feed?
I just don’t understand how bottle feeding would be easier
Hun it isnt in my opinion, in the nigjt i have to get up get the water get the formula cool the milk down and its just long, atleast if i was breastfeeding i can take my breast out and sorted
Btw for context he says that because he has a daughter with a previous partner who chose to bottle feed and so he refers to that constantly. That their baby was easier and more settled. He sometimes says he hates our baby because she’s such an unsettled baby and I think sometimes he tries to blame it on me for breastfeeding her
He says he hates your baby!? 🥺 Oh dear! For the breastfeeding part: not his boobs, not his choice! You're doing amazing so don't let him dictate how you feed inside or outside your home!
Well done for you!!! You are totally awesome for breastfeeding and in public too. I was worried people would be bothered by it when I started but NOONE is - just do it it’s so much better if you can breast feed. If he wants to feed with bottle of your milk than that’s fair enough but basically I think if you wanna feed breast only you should. Nothing compares and there’s other ways he can bond if he feels like he’s missing out. He should be grateful you are dedicating so much time and energy to your baby - plus formula isn’t easier literally putting the baby in your boos is the easiest as no prep needed no washing or sterilisation and it’s free!
Wow I can’t believe he says that about your baby that’s way out of line and just horrible. There is absolutely no science behind his awful statements x I’m sorry he’s being this way for you x
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Thing is, I don’t know if he’s got like a bit of postpartum depression and just gets frustrated with how much she screams and then will only settle with me half the time. But it does hurt when he’s so negative about our baby but was so happy with his other daughter.
Does he know how much it bothers you? Maybe you need to talk it out but be clear on where you stand x
That sounds really difficult for you. Well done on staying true to yourself. This podcast episode is great and may help him support you better. It suggests ways dads can bond with baby besides bottle feeding which might help as well :)
I have tried to explain to him how much it gets to me but he’s indifferent. Also just used the tommee tippee letdown collector and as I was taking it off it made a loud noise and his reaction was to tell me I’m scaring the sleeping baby who didn’t even flinch (I’m holding her) and made him jump so he said it makes him want to chuck it all out of the window (the pumping stuff) Like what 🤣🤣🤣
He is such a knob
Wow he sounds like kind of a jerk honestly. I'm a firm believer in "fed is best" but if you're happy breastfeeding then he can suck it up. I imagine he's not offering to do 100% of the formula feeds if you stop breastfeeding, is he? And babies are just different from one another! I breastfed all three of mine and this one is way fussier and more difficult than the other two; it has nothing to do with how they're fed, it's just how he is! And, by the way, my partner and I both love him dearly and dote on him even though he keeps us awake all hours. If I had to guess, I'd bet your partner was a jerk about his first child as well and is misrepresenting it all to you.
I said that she might be like this but not every baby we have that will be breastfed will be this fussy but he’s convinced that it will always be like this. I’m not trying to hate on my own partner but I just expected different from him as I see how he is with his other daughter and he’s never like this even though she too can be a handful. We share the nights by swapping every 2 hours but when I just swapped with him he said she’s a c word and she better not be this much of a c word when he goes to work Full time. So I’m now in two minds of just trying to have them all night and day. She won’t sleep when she’s not on us atm so this is why we rotate. But unless I hand her over asleep where he can just lay her on his chest and play his phone then he gets annoyed. I just want him to be happier with our lives and the fact we had a baby and this isn’t always going to be how it is. It’s just frustrating
This feels to me like really worrying responses to your baby - do you feel safe leaving her with him, given how he talks about her?
He does love her, he’s not rough with her at all. Just he doesn’t want to deal with her when she’s being difficult. If she’s happy and smiling he’s all for it but if she cries he can’t deal with it.
I think he is just grieving his old life and when we can’t do anything because she’s screaming or won’t go down not even on a playmat or swing/bouncer I think that’s when he’s struggling. Which is why I think he has postpartum depression because he wants to help and wants to make her happy/settle her but he can’t because she is inconsolable. So he kind of just feels down a lot and wishes she’d grow up quicker
If he’s worried about people seeing your breasts whilst out and about get him to buy you a breastfeeding cover x