Sleeping through the whole night

I know that a lot of people feel like it’s made into a competition like “my baby slept trough from this young” “my baby slept through even younger” tit for tat. But I am genuinely curious please be honest. My baby has slept through the night from 2 months old I have given him his last bottle at like 9/10 pm and he’s swaddled and put white noise on and he goes straight asleep and wakes up at like 6/7/8 which I am very happy with. When I told my cousin this who has a one year old she was shocked and said her baby still wakes up like 2/3 times a night and never slept through. So I want to know how common it is? I know all babies are different and all do things at different ages and that’s ok, I just want to know what the majority is. Comment for a different answer…
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My first didn't sleep through the night until he was 1. My second has slept through the night a couple of times already and only wakes up once most night she's about to be 3 months.

My daughter didn’t sleep through until like 14/15 months

My first had some 7 hour nights starting at four months but ups and downs from there until he slept through consistently starting at eleven months. My second has just started having some 6-7.5 hour stretches at five and a half months.

Almost 10 months and it’s never happened for us.

First didnt sleep through the night til close to 18 months. Second started sleeping through the night at 2 months but stopped at 4 months 😭 she now wakes up twice a night. oh well

My Kids still get up for snacks and they’re almost teenagers

We never had a full night ie from bedtime to the AM until at least 18 months old. He’s nearly 4 now and still only sleeps through 2-3 nights a week - he wakes at least once the other nights, usually around 2am.

My first was sleeping through from 11pm to 8am at 2 months. My newborn now is 4 weeks and only waking once.

I don't remember her age when she started to sleep through the night but she's always loved her sleep. The only time her sleep is interrupted is when she's ill, other than that she sleeps 8pm-8am or will sometimes have a lay in.

My baby is almost 10 months and has slept through the night a handful of times from 2 months and on She still wakes up at least once at night for a bottle😅

My son is nearly 3 years old and it's taken until the last few months to get to the point where he is as close to sleeping through the night as I think he ever will be. He did his best sleep as a baby at 3 months when he did around 5 hour stretches at the beginning of the night but it lasted a couple of weeks and all went downhill when the 4 month sleep regression hit. Expecting my second next month and have no expectations of him being a 'good sleeper'.

Both kids by 12 weeks slept 8+ hours. By 4-5 months they were up to 12+ hours. Now they are almost 2 yo and 4.5 yo and neither have ever had a regression and still sleep 12ish hours each.

Mines 6m and nowhere near sleeping through 🤣 he was doing 7 hours straight about 2-3m old and then we got to the dread 4m sleep regression and never recovered!

Both mine have been sleeping through the night 95% of the time since 4 months

My little one slept through the night from 6 weeks 7-7. Thought id struck gold but then he stopped at 15m & still wakes up some nights at 21m😂 x

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14.5 months and still doesn't sleep through. He has had maybe 4 nights where he has slept 6 hour stretches

2 years old for my eldest, and youngest is 19 months old and still not sleeping through

Worth remembering that 2 months is still early doors, I had a great sleeper until the 4 month sleep regression hit. Only just started sleeping through again now at 15m.. and this could still change with all the developmental stages still to come!

Still multiple wake ups here at 17 months 🙃🙃

My daughter will be 11 months soon and still wakes me up during the night. My favorite is when it's just one time, and when it's mild crying. The worst is when it's multiple times and screaming.

16m old who still doesn’t sleep through the night and nurses at least once overnight still. I think every child is just different and some don’t become better sleepers till they’re a lot older

My daughter didn’t sleep through until 2 years old !! 😭

Honestly in the 5 months I’ve had my little girl she had slept through maybe 6 times. She’ll wake up at 3-4 am wanting a bottle but only had an 1-2oz then it’s a struggle getting her back to sleep.

2 years old until she slept thru the night. My 12 month old still hasn’t

My first started sleeping though the night a week before his 3rd birthday. He woke every 2 hours until a year, and 3-4 times a night from 1-3yo 🤣 My second started sleeping through at 7 weeks until about 9 months. Now he wakes once at about 130 every night for a quick bottle and is right back to sleep

My 4 year old still wakes up 1-5 times a night 😭

Sleep changes all the time, started sleeping through at 18months but that lasted a few months, now it's unpredictable

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