Do I just give up

I’m really struggling I’ve been pumping for 3.5 weeks now, and I’m still not getting enough milk to fully feed my 1 month old. I’m pumping 8-9 times a day with 1 session being power pumping. The most I ever got was 3.5oz but that’s not regular my usual is 1oz - 2oz I just can’t seem to get up to 3oz consistently. I’m getting around 9oz a day. He drinks 24oz a day so we supplement with formula I’m literally nowhere near and all I do is pump. I just think is there any point continuing has anyone got their supply up this late? I’m 4 weeks pp I’m under the infant team and they’ve given me a plug in the wall Ardo pump this helped a little but nothing extravagant. I’m drinking a ton and eating!
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It takes time , remember as little as 50 ml a day can five immunity for life. This was me a year ago believe me it gets better. You are doing amazing. The second u let go your worries your supply will increase. Best of luck

It took me a while to get to 3, too. Sometimes I still get a 2ozer, and it bums me out, but l persist. It does take time. I make about an ounce an hour now, but we still supplement because this kid is HUNGRY.

Thanks both my kid acts starving 24/7 so it doesn’t help 😂 I’ll keep at it!

I had low supply after a traumatic birth, then started taking pumping seriously around 6 weeks, it took me about another 6 weeks to get up to exclusively breast fed (barring a few times when my supply dipped due to illness). She drank about 32oz a day so it was always a struggle to keep up with her! I EP’d from 4 months (she nursed overnight up to then) until just over a year. I needed to use a smaller flange than recommended (I was recommended 24 but ended up with a 20 on one side, 21 on the other). Hand expressing at the end of your pump can also signal to your body that it needs to make more next time. It also gets easier after 12 weeks when you can start dropping pumps. So it’s definitely not too late for you if this is what you want to do! Nothing wrong with supplementing with formula or fully switching though! You’ve done an amazing job to get this far and every bit of breast milk is an achievement ♥️

@Rhiannon thanks for this can I ask what pumping schedule you kept to and how long you pumped for, I’d love to nurse in the day and bottle in the night, but he just isn’t full from my boob feeds so I’m now pumping to try and get enough bottles but struggling to keep up I’d be happy with half his bottles! It’s just getting there which is proving difficult I’m currently stuck at 10oz a day which is frustrating!

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