@Michelle it’s so hard to do anything when she’s like this x
I know you’ve probably tried all sorts of things but I normally swaddle my little one up and then rock him close to me until he is properly zonked and then I lay him in his crib, hold my hand quite firmly on his chest until he is still and if he stirs gently rock the crib until he soothes himself off. Sometimes he stays asleep and sometimes he doesn’t but if he does we usually get at least 45mins and sometimes 2 hours plus!!
I logged on to ask a similar question because I find all the sleep advice online really confusing. There are articles saying to make sure they are in a dark quiet room but them im also not supposed to let him sleep in a room alone yet so do I have to sit in the dark and silence for an hour and a half multiple times a day? We have a good routine at night to get him to sleep for a good stretch but it takes nearly an hour to feed, burp, change his nappy, dress him for bed and then rock him to settle him. If I did this for every nap that would be his entire wake window. I just don't know what I'm supposed to be doing
@Zoe our little one naps in his crib with a monitor through the day and i constantly go in and out of the bedroom. He naps in the light too with the door open and normally I just potter around upstairs putting washing away in and out etc to get him used to sleeping through daytime noise. Then in the night we turn lights off so he knows the difference. Saying that he doesn’t sleep long stretches through the night though so any advice in that would be great! 😂
@Kati I’ve literally tried swaddling and it’s a no from him - he only started being like that since he got his first immunisations. Not sure if it’s a growth spurt or a regression? He is an angel at night, soothes himself to sleep and wakes up once for a feed I literally have to do all the housework after 8pm and it’s just frustrating
@Kati My little boy has slept relatively well at night since we brought him home. The only thing I do differently at night than in the day is I break up his feeds by doing a little burping and changing his nappy between breasts. In the day I just offer both sides one after the other and he gets tired/bored so only does about 15 minutes total of feeding but when I break it up at night he wakes up a little with the change and we get about 25 minutes total feeding so maybe that's why he sleeps longer. Either that or we are just lucky 😂
@Michelle oh wow, I think I’d swap with you and have mine sleep more at night! We are still like clockwork every 3 hours 🥱
@Jayne for some reason it is relieving to know that someone is going through the same thing. It’ll pass and you’re doing amazing!!!!
@Zoe wow that’s amazing! Well done mama! Ours has reflux so we have to change nappy before a feed as it hurts him to lie down for at least 15 mins during or after feeds but he feeds well and I’ve decided to up his feed sizes a bit more now so let’s see what happens! 🙏🏼😂
I am in the same situation! Any advice would be very appreciated 🥲