My lo has gone to nursery at just over 7 months and was EBF with the odd bottle but started refusing at around 3 months, she’s got used to it very quickly, she doesn’t have all I send her in with (expressed milk) but she’s just got on with it, I think being out of the house and me not being around at all has significantly helped
following as in same situation
I started to wean off breastfeeding at 8 months, and she took a bottle fine before that so I didn’t have issues in that department. However, when she turned 12 months and it’s recommended to wean off bottles, I thought I’d try giving her milk in a sippy cup and worried the same, that she’d only take little sips from it like she does her water, but no, she guzzled it down so quickly. So definitely give it a try!
At 9 months baby will be fine to have milk when with you and solids and water while at nursery. No need to wean if you don’t want to. I personally wouldn’t introduce a bottle at 9 months I’d try a cup x