Amazing! Thank you x
The strongest and most reliable breast pump is probably the Spectra, but it’s the Bertha the Big Machine of breast pumps; it’s clunky and not very portable. Once you’re strapped in, you can’t really do much else except watch TV or scroll on your phone, so I also have a Momcozy M5 to allow me to pump while getting ready in the mornings. It’s still kind of bulky but it’s comfortable and effective. Also the customer service is good; I had an issue with some leaks/suction and Momcozy sent me a replacement straightaway. Wearables are good for occasional pumping but not really recommended as a main pump, so if you intend to pump a lot, I’d recommend getting a Spectra alongside whatever you buy.
I had the kissabobo off Amazon I used for a short while and was good and cheap!
I used the spectra S1! And I absolutely loved it (as much as you can love pumping) I exclusively pumped for 10 months and managed to feed my son with breastmilk until 12 months and donated milk to the NICU 😅
@Amber sorry, jumping on here, is the spectra s1 easy to take with you if you’re out and about, like in the office or at someone else’s house for example? Or did you just do it at home? Thanks!
@Camilla it is big but I genuinely took that thing everywhere with me. I didn’t take it to work because I’d stopped before I went back. However, it did go to France and Lanzarote with me as well as countless friends and family houses. I did try wearables (kissbobo) but I found the suction wasn’t enough and I ended up with mastitis 4 times (each time was after using something that was my spectra). So not small, quite bulky but does a fantastic job
I used the wearable mom cozy and loved it. Their customer service is also really good. I also used the lansinoh pump which is plug in but can also used a battery in it to as my main one. And loved it!