I would start by doing naps during the day in her cot if you’re not already doing so. This way she gets used to the cot and then after a few days do your first night in the cot.
I don’t have many tips but I’d say just do it. For us we noticed they slept much better once we transitioned them
Try placing the crib inside the big cot for a few weeks while she gets used to the room. When she wakes in the night try giving it 10 mins to see if she resettles herself before you go through. Good luck x
You could start will naps and see how that goes
We didn't do a transition period, we just put her straight in there! She was already sleeping in her cot in our room though before going in her own room
I started off with naps in her room, but I also swapped her next to me for a travel cot for a bit but then we were all keeping each other awake with snoring/moving around/white noise so took the plunge and did the night. That night didn’t get much sleep 🤣 was worried I wouldn’t hear her (her room is right next door) and she was fine x
Thank you all ♥️
@Leanne I’m on night four..same my LG was too big for the next to me and cot is too big for our room. She has taken to it so well, she has so much more room and seems so more comfortable. In the last few weeks I did put her down in there for naps, also started changing her in her room and let her lie in there whilst I was folding washing etc x
Its great that she's used to her own room. I'd start encouraging her to nap in there during the day before transitioning into sleeping there at night x