No real advice but its probably just a phase. My LO was like that and now sleeps through the night. I just kept the same routine and eventually it got better 💜
She actually sleeps ok during the night ! It’s the day that’s tough!!
Me too, bedtime (9/9:30) until about 6/7am she’ll happily sleep in the next to me (3 wake ups during that time) but after that it’s contact napping only. She’ll settle when we go for a walk in the pram and eventually fall asleep but wakes up as soon as we’re home again. I try to put her down when she’s in a deep sleep so I can get some rest but as soon as she realises she’s alone it’s game over. I just want a nap too 😫
We’re exactly the same at the . I was trying to figure out if it was where I was putting her down but thinking now it’s just a phase! grateful it’s not effecting the nights though 🥲
I haven’t got a solution unfortunately but my little boy is the same at the moment. He used to sleep really well in his cot, only waking once and for the past few weeks, he just won’t let me put him down. We end up co sleeping