Im 24 weeks and have been the exact same, taking paracetamol and sat with a hot water bottle at night 😩 I am gonna try go swimming tomorrow if I can find a swimming costume that fits 😂
Same! Started yesterday and worse today, also some stabbing pains low down on my uterus so am not sure if its just that they are having a bit of a spurt at 22 weeks or not
Thanks ladies I’m so glad it’s not just me. I really worried at the start as as much as I knew he was ok I was worried as having a miscarriage back in may that came with back ache ect but as I say I can feel him moving and wiggling and doing his usual daily bits so I know I’m ok But will defo try a warm hot water bottle ect
25 weeks, I’ve been struggling with upper back pain for the last 3 weeks and this week has been horrendous. I can’t sleep comfortably in nearly any position, so for the first time in my life I’m so sleep deprived :( I’ve been doing pregnancy back strength exercised from YT, pregnancy yoga (Downdog app ❤️) every other day and stretches everyday. It helps when I do back strength exercises and stretches, but the pain eventually comes back… I’m seeing chiropractor this week as I run out of ideas how to help myself :(
Omgosh yes past couple of days in the evening my back has HURT. To the point I'm nearly crying. I sit at work all day and unsure how to cope. I do undo my bra and use a strap extender that helps maybe a slight bit but still! When I get home I have a warm hot water bottle and lie on my side to help ease. I was thinking of taking deep freeze gel to work to try see I that helps. There are pregnancy belts that help support bump and I'm thinking about it, as bump gets bigger at night so it's possible why we are hurting. I'm seeing my midwife soon so going to ask for suggestions on gentle back stretches etc to try to help as well