I had a particularly heavy and uncomfortable period once and it turned out to be an early miscarriage. If you’re hoping for another baby, I’m really sorry if that’s what it was.
You could be , I’ve had 11 pregnancy 7 bubas and had a couple start just like this & one I had gush bleeding on and of lasting any thing from 10 minutes to an hour up till 16 weeks turned out to be a thyroid close to where baby was growing the other times the couldn’t explain it but would check the buba and she was always fine the funny thing is that when i suffered my loses none starred like that I either went into pre term labour or woke up in a pool of blood not much pain until I was due to pass the buba I’d ask for a scan in the epu Good luck doll x
I had unprotected sex, got my period in march 2023 like normal it was more painful and i was experiencing the same symptoms but my test showed positive and a day later it showed negative, a month later however in April i was pregnant around 7 weeks