I’ve read that their movements increase up to 32 weeks and then stay roughly around the same, when I went with reduced movements they said anytime I wasn’t fully happy to come down and be monitored so I would go back or give them a call! Even if it’s just for your own peace of mind x
Hey, I had this from 29 weeks (when I had a fall) right up to giving birth. Is baby measuring big? I was told this can be a reason to feel less movement as they have less room - not sure how accurate that is. If you still dont feel assured, go back to be monitored again and for longer. Sometimes I was monitored for over an hour and this was often too, at 37 weeks they wanted me in hospital for a week to be monitored before being induced. You're not overthinking, you know your babies movements, make sure you ar listened to if you feel something isn't right x
They usually will put you on the monitor for a set amount of time and the machine will track movements and then it needs to satisfy a certain criteria rather than the midwife saying it’s fine. In terms of not picking up the heartbeat straight away that’s normal because baby could be back to back or transverse- so long as they found it and it was strong. If you’re not comfortable though and not happy then I would 💯 go back. Even if it’s just for a little reassurance. You know your body and the baby better than they do and so if you think something so different or off they will listen to you. You’re not overthinking.
I would always recommend anyone to contact triage and to go back in for peace of mind if movements seem different, speaking from experience of reduced movements. Some people do say babies movements reduce at 30 weeks + which isn’t true, the type of movements may change such as rolls, turning etc. but you will know your babies pattern and they remain active right up to birth. Trust your intuition 💛
@Nicole I had a growth scan last week and they said he’s measuring at 4.5 lbs which was considered normal for how many weeks I was. He is in a breach position so I’m not sure if that makes a difference or not ?
I had the same scare at 34 weeks and I went to hospital to be monitored as he was moving a lot less and not as vigorous as usual. They’ve done all sorts of checks and they monitored me for 6 hours before discharging me so I would insist to be monitored again for longer because you want to make sure that your baby is fine but also that your cervix is still closed.
@Jade yeah I did think that was the case , people was say they are getting bigger and the run out of room to move etc which is don’t think was true .
I was told babies movements should never reduced and you should never feel them less than your normal. I would say if you don’t think you’re feeling what you normally do then go back to triage. I was in three times for reduced movements
@Cristina I was in the hospital for 40 minutes in total they didn’t even take a wee sample which I thought was odd as well which they normally do . I had to stay over night in December and I was on the monitor for an hour every time they done it then . They never mention anything about my cervix either .
@Kirsty that’s the impression I was under. Which then really confused me as I was getting told different.
Go back, when I went (twice in 3 days) they checked I had felt enough movement as well as the monitor picking them up and the monitor declared when it was time to come off. The second time I was given the option to stay in or to go back daily until I was happy again. We ended up having a scan etc. trust your mummy intuition and hopefully this time you’ll have a more attentive midwife, which is what happened for us!!! 😂
Movements don’t decrease during later stages of pregnancy, if you are concerned about anything at all or anything is out of the norm I would definitely call or go back. Even just for peace of mind x
When I went in I was told the monitor would essentially give a green light to say it was satisfied with the movement/heart rate then they would say it was okay to go home. Your print out should be in your maternity notes if you wanted to check it perhaps? Mine took 2 hours because they weren’t happy with the acceleration or something like that but then eventually they decided it was fine but I expected it to be faster. You’re always encouraged to go in if you’re unsure so please do ♥️
Trust your intuition.
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Trusted by 5M+ women
I would go back if they still aren’t normal for you, it’s not normal for movements to slow down at any point at all
Always go back if you’re concerned for sure! The only thing I’ve definitely noticed as I’ve gotten further along though is that you don’t feel them kick really as they run out of space it’s more like rolling feelings and bulges than kicks and baby is measuring massive for my tiny belly! But if you’re ever unsure ring them
I would call them back and go back. Hopefully if the change over has happened now it'll be a night team on too and so may have a different opinion etc