girl, i feel you. things that work for me: - eat small meals every three hours - have saltines on standby everywhere you go - brush teeth / use mouth wash to rid of lingering food residue between meals - ginger and b6 drops, they have some at target
Yeah I’ve been starving and puking and averse to food too. Popsicles, ice cream, frozen fruit. Popsicles and frozen fruit I read others swear by. Ice cream for me. Felt so good to finally get and keep over 1000 calories down for the day at least
Yep that me as well 🥴
@Savanna ok I’m in the uk so will have to see where I can get what you’ve suggested. Thank you. 🙏🏾
@Seens I think I’ll try the frozen fruit! Hmm I’m really trying to eat healthy but seems impossible ..
@Kirsty do you know what gender you’re having ?
@marisol thank you
I literally was puking during half my dinner then going back for more around 10 weeks 🙈 it’s such a weird moment! Then I completely went off veggies and protein (which I usually love) and have been mostly keeping a small amount of carbs down since. Lost weight since finding out about my pregnancy. This week I seem to be enjoying my food again but still being sick/feeling nauseous at night. Only suggestion I have is eat small amounts of whatever you fancy when feeling hungry and drink plenty of water! ☺️
This is exactly where i am! I have noticed eating smaller amounts of the food helps! Thanks 🙏🏾
Eating smaller portions is 💯- I have a huge hunger but I've taught myself to snack in between-/ been snacking on prunes -- yep my constipation has been a lot but it's gotten better I've bought my third water bottle which now helps with drinking water frequently I never liked water before so I have been struggling now I get nauseous when I'm hungry so I try to also snack wherever I can Baby is growing bigger so I know he/she is squashing my digestive system so the best I do is eat little then when after dinner I exercise stretch then go to bed
@Roseline thanks for sharing 🙏🏾
Eat ginger that help with the nauseous