I’m really sorry to hear you are struggling so much. Please always reach out to someone to chat, you’re not alone. My inbox is always open. Hang in there xx
I’m always up for a FaceTime and a good old gossip if your feeling alone xx
Hey momma we’ve all been there more or less depressed/suffering it’s hard when you don’t have a village and even when you do no one can really take away the ptsd or depression fully especially since you’ve been se*** abused not everyone will be able to understand…I’ve been s**** abused at age 18 and the trauma came back to me years later after having a baby and I still have no one to talk to abt it.. do you want to talk abt it? Do you need someone to come over and help you? Let’s normalize moms helping moms 💕
It gets better ❤️
If you need a break sometimes you need to put down your baby in a safe place even if she’s crying and walk away to a different room where you can’t hear her to bring back your sanity… and go back to her when your ready
Hang in there. It gets better. You’re doing a great job.. it’s so hard! And i’d look at ways to build up a network? Maybe baby groups to meet other parents.