Honestly babe, bc I know how it is.. you can try to control his drinking as much as possible. But at the end of the day he will always find a way to get a drink. You can take his money so he can't buy it, he'll scavange for loose change or ask someone to buy it for him. They find a way. He's sick and isn't going to want help. You have to force him into getting help and just remind him you're only doing it bc you love him and want him to grow old with you. Reach out to family/people who love him. Pretty soon if he doesn't get help, he's gonna get that horrible painful wakeup call of his liver and pancreas messing up. It's a horrible pain and once he feels that he's not gonna even want to look at alcohol. I seen it happen and they been sober ever since they got out the hospital. I seen someone only drink heavy for a year and ended up in a hospital
I am! My bf is an alcoholic.. my baby’s due in the first week of March. He went to rehab for one week to detox from alcohol, and he was put on a med called naltrexone. He’s doing better because he thought long and hard about the kind of father he wanted to be. He’s been an addict most of his life (more than alcohol, but always drinking on top of w/e substance he was doing), but he’s ready to turn the page for his son. It was his choice to get sober. What does the conversation with your partner surround alcoholism look like? If he insists that he can handle himself, or even gets angry with you then you should run. He has to choose his family over whatever demons drive him to behave in the ways he does. (I’m not happy my bf only left for a week just to detox bc it does not address his benzo addiction) I’d require him to go to rehab for 30 days, then he needs therapy to get to the root of the problem. A recovery program of his choice. Tell him to do it for his children.
'Leave' Stay with family or something
I grew up with my mother being an alcoholic, my dad was a good man and loved my mother and tried so hard to help her with her addiction and protect my sibling and I but it didn’t work we saw and heard everything, we saw her hiding bottles and watched her become a hideous version of herself when under the influence. If he won’t get help to stop, or admit he has a problem then protect yourself and your babies and leave before the alcohol destroys everything around you and damages your babies. X
if he doesn't want help then there is nothing that you can do except plan your next move for yourself.