I understand the stress. I went through infertility treatments and it became too much for me. So I, eventually decided to stop with the treatment. There may be other factors at play for you, but if you have time, perhaps focus on mindset and wait until you feel ready. I did a fertility mindset class and I found it very helpful.
if you manage your stress and anxiety there’s always a chance you can concieve naturally or have the ivf work early on. enter into your divine feminine and relax and let go you will see how much energy you but into worrying rather than allowing your body to accept the conception
I don’t have experience. But it sounds like you maybe just need more time for healing. And maybe some counseling just to be able to talk through your thoughts on it. And idk if you’re using birth control at all but if you are then stop that and just see where life takes you until you feel ready and that PTSD response stops hopefully it will