Hey girl. I experienced ppd with my first. I was scared to tell anyone through judgement especially with professionals. This time round I am 6 weeks pregnant and making sure it’s all in place for birth. Best thing to do is talk babe xx
I feel like I could have wrote this myself except my baby is 12 weeks. I’m right there with you 🤍 I would definitely speak to your GP and they can offer some antidepressants, these might help? I’ve been on sertraline for 2 years due to previous anxiety and depression before my baby but at the time it really helped pick my mood and my anxiety. I think I am going to speak to my GP too about my medication because I’ve been on it for a while now and on a high dose I feel everything you said but i don’t think they’re working anymore? Speak to your health visitor too! I remember at 2 weeks PP I cried to my health visitor and thanked her for caring and she was amazing! Back then it was hormones. Hopefully someone will have some good advice sorry I couldn’t offer much but know I’m there with you 🙏
Brain does not have energy for full response.. commenting to hopefully find this post later so I can 💕 YOU ARE NOT ALONE I just admitted myself into the hospital from ppd/ppa/ppr
Hope you’re able to talk to someone. Have you been able to talk vitamins? Our bodies are depleted of so many minerals and vitamins postpartum that it’s important to be taking vitamins after, like vitamin d/K3 and zinc also b vitamins and magnesium L threonate or magnesium malate 🙏🏼
@Rachael yeah I take all the vitamins they recommend after birth in the UK. And I could talk to people, I just don't want to. I am going to force myself to tell my health visitor when I see her start of February but for now I think I'll just ride it out
I feel the same exact way love