Firstly, I'm sorry your going through this. I can really relate. Secondly it sounds like your doing an amazing job. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of asking for help. I suffered from severe postnatal depression after my baby was born and got help through the doctor and perinatal team. Absolutely no one judged me or even spoke about taking my baby off me they just wanted to help. Postnatal depression is a illness after all. I am now on medication and it has massively helped, along with support from the perinatal team. Please speak to your GP or health visitor as if it's postnatal depression it's important you get help quickly x
I’m currently receiving MH help through the perinatal team after speaking to my health visitor. I’ve never once felt judged for my parenting. Like the lady said above, it’s an illness and all they’ve ever wanted was to help me! The best thing I’ve done for me and my baby was get help.. I’m a much better mum now I’m getting support x
Firstly breath. She sounds like a happy healthy little girl. And I can guarantee you’re not a bad mum. Because bad mums don’t worry about whether they’re bad mums. Is the depression new or is it something you’ve struggled with before your daughter? Are you seeking support to help you / have a support network? Mum guilt is horrid. Even if you do everything spot on, even if you weren’t depressed, one thing I can promise is your mum brain will find something to feel guilty about. Every mum does. Mum life is tough but you’ve got this xx