I think sometimes it's the loudness and deepness of men's voices that does it. Maybe ask him to limit his words and lower the tone as much as possible. I find when my baby is out and about, it's the men's voices that wake her or that she appears to get a fright from. OR could it be his aftershave or that maybe? Hope it gets better for them soon x
He doesn’t even have to speak, all he has to do is look at her even from a distance and she cries strait away 😭
My little girl has been like this with my Dad for as long as I can remember, he's not loud or anything. But she used to look at him and cry, he still can't hold her or anything but it does slowly appear to be getting better. When I'm back at work she will be staying there overnight (I work at a house for 24hours and my husband starts work early. She's also not a huuuuuuuuge fan of my mum so I'm not holding out much hope 😂 but I'm sure once shes with them alone she will learn they are alright 🤞
My first from about 5 months of age would cry whenever someone came to the house or if we went to theirs. It was really intense. She had the odd ok day where she’d be ok with some people but the in-laws it was all tears 😂 she was like that until she was about 2 and a half. I’m not sure what changed. I think it was when I could explain to her somewhat what was going to happen. She’s always been sensitive but she’s absolutely thriving at nursery and has strong bond with her nanny, who she used to absolutely bawl at everytime she saw 😅and other relatives now, so no it had no effect in the long term My 2nd is very different, she can get a little wobbly around people sometimes but overall a lot more chill. I think she finds beards a little scary haha My first was quite an extreme case but I found forcing it was the worst thing to do, just need to be patient and know it’ll be fine
Can't say exactly with who, but my baby behaves the same with 1 family member..and listen I cannot stand them either...must be the bad energy 🤷🏾♀️😅
Maybe baby to see you hugging/interact with him to show he is Ok?We had this with a friend but it’s sorted now. He is bold and he was the first bold person baby came in contact with. She simply was so scared of him, her little heart was racing when he got close no matter how much he was trying.