Postnatal depression

I am STRUGGLING. I have no motivation to do anything. I feel so sad that my maternity leave has been clouded by depression, i just want to enjoy being a mum. Does anyone have any ideas or tips on how i can get myself out of this 😔 my baby is almost 8 months old and i feel like maternity leave is coming to an end very quickly, but I want to do things with her and make some memories.
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I honestly feel this so much It’s more common that you think. It’s soo hard being a mum and being constantly on for your baby it takes its toll too I’m the same especially right at the beginning I feel like I wasted this time off with my baby boy. But trying not to be too hard on myself and you shouldn’t either Have you ever spoken to anyone? Like the mental health team? As you’ve had a baby you get priority I just try to get out as much as possible I go abit crazy in the house I need socialising with adults or just to be out and about even just at the shop helps get me out of a slump

Treat everything as a win. So if that's, getting dressed or brushing your hair. Your doing amazing 👏 and remember every day is a new day xx

I feel this so much! My little one is also close to 8 months and I was diagnosed before Christmas. I struggled for 6 months and then went to the GP. I'm now on meds which definitely help. X

Sorry you’re going through this Try going out more sign up for baby classes/clubs depending on where you live there’s should be loads of free ones really helps to get out of the house

There is so much pressure to 'enjoy' your maternity leave when in reality the first year is just survival for most parents. Honestly the best bits are yet to come so please don't put pressure on yourself or feel disappointed, even though I totally understand why you feel like that it will only make you feel more depressed and just getting through it is honestly the reality for most of us. If you can go back to work part time I would strongly recommend it as once they become a toddler/ young child it gets so much more enjoyable!

I feel the same! I have no motivation either. Some days it's hard to brush my hair cause my baby is my priority and I neglect my self which makes me feel worse! I've reached out for help via mind as a self referral and have been given CBT therapy. I haven't started yet but hoping that helps. I also feel like I've wasted my maternity leave being so angry and frustrated and sad but in reality it is so normal for most women! I keep wishing this time away but then feeling guilty cause she won't be this small forever. Here if you need a chat xxx

If you google talking therapies NHS your county should have a self referral form you can fill out and the wait will be shorter as you're postnatal x

Not sure if this helps or not but, I try to set myself one small goal for the day, quite often it's go for a short walk or go to baby sensory (there's often free ones) or see a friend or family member. I find it really helps break up the day and gives me reason to brush my hair, teeth and get dressed. I'm usually not dressed until 12 but, I'm still dressed and that's ok!

@Suzie 100% recommend talking therapies

@Sarah i’ve done it 4 times over the last few years 😔

Girl you are not alone I promise! Even mums that enjoy every moment of it struggle! I wish I could stay off longer with my baby girl, I would be a stay at home mum forever if I could. But in the next breath.. I absolutely sobbed doing the pots on Sunday morning because I’m just exhausted. I’ve been having panic attacks all week. I’ve had probably 3 half days to myself in 7 months and it’s HARD. No one tells you how bloody hard it actually is to be needed around the clock none stop. We completely lose ourselves to this new job and it can be so taxing on our mental health. I’ve found that getting out and being around other adults can really help. Being stuck in the house makes me feel even worse. Are there any baby groups you could go to? Sending you huge huge hugs lovely xx

@Betty i’ve tried baby groups before when she was 3 months but she screamed and it made me so anxious. Part of my anxiety is around her getting ill so babg groups really make me panic. I don’t have any friends or family either so its just us x

Oh my lovely, I completely get that. I promise that every mum feels like that if their baby screams. No one should be judging you for it. Why don’t you try a group again now she’s a bit older or maybe just a one off sensory class to get used to it again? xx

I bet you are actually doing more than you think! Try not to be so hard on yourself. I went to baby groups in the beginning, they actually made me feel quite bad about myself, some clicky mums felt like school all over again. I actually find i have a nicer day when its just me and my LO. less pressure! So don't worry about any of that, people normally stay away from baby groups when they are sick also. We are on our 2nd cold and my LO is 7 months old so we haven't avoided anything.

For you, I think you have put so much pressure on yourself, i do this A LOT! I suffer from anxiety but pregnancy and birth has changed my mindset a little so I'm getting through. Day to day look at what you are doing. Have you managed to have a hot drink? Breakfast? Brush your hair/teeth? Got dressed? These are normally tiny but for us mum's they are actually big wins! Make sure you are also taking vitamin D, this can effect more than you realise. For things to create memories you'll be surprised at how small something sticks in your brain. Took my LO out for a 5 minute walk around the park round the corner, cutest reaction when a gust of wind went through his hair. He loves it when i blow in his hair now. Or he loves looking at trees, so we now say hello to mr tree outside his bedroom window in the morning to count the leaves, all very silly. Nothing big just little things that make my LO smile. I'm sure there is so many things you do a day to make your LO smile/laugh a day. That is loads! You got this xx

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Going for a walk in the park always always help me. 🌳 After that I am feeling more positive and happier. I think my baby likes them too. X

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