No cuz same. I have 2 kids, I was so much more confident as a mom with the first. This second one I am stressed 24/7, I’m always so worried about her. She going to be two, I barely started doing things with both of them alone when it comes to being in public. I am on anti-anxiety pills now and I have noticed a huge difference, I’m not on edge anymore. I will say, seek therapy and see if they can provide guidance. Because after a certain point it’s not healthy anymore.
@Jennifer thank u and I had anxiety really bad before pregnancy so it would help allot if I got back on something thank u
@Juanita no seriously Ugg it’s really nerve wrecking and it’s allot of stuff going out there and it seems like things are getting worse and idk how to cope and I’m like praying every a few hrs thinking something might happen to him
This very specific scenario is something my sister struggled with as well. I also think on some level all parents struggle with worrying about their children and the hormones of post partum can increase our anxiety and make things worse. However, when these thoughts are intrusive and starting to affect our quality of life, you are doing the right thing by reaching out for help. Do you have access to therapy? Therapy is what helped my sister. That and some time. She also limited her exposure to the news to 10-15 minutes a day to stay informed and stopped going on facebook/instagram/tiktok. She stopped watching movies and tv shows that were triggering and violent and stuck with lighthearted material . Basically she protected her mental space. She said this all helped. Keep up the good work and don’t be hard on yourself. You’re doing great.