I really struggled with pain after my first and was prescribed dihydrocodeine to help. Dont suffer, ask for help! This time i had a c section so was given more pain relief but ive asked for more again and my GP prescribed more. Afterpains (the uterus shrinking pains) are worse with each pregnancy 😣 painkillers helped me with this too, i found i was getting a bit panicked before every feed in anticipation of the pain
Arnica x
Witch hazel infused freezer pads xx
I’m allergic to ibuprofen too and got given oramorph in hospital and then once I was out I was given dihydrocodeine (apparently this isn’t safe if you’re breastfeeding though but definitely look into that) or if you go to a pharmacy you can get co-codamol but I’m not sure if that’s safe for breastfeeding either so it depends on how you’re feeding as well. I’m sure a pharmacist would be able to recommend something that you can take if you are breastfeeding though!x
@Anna i was given dihydrocodeine too and am breastfeeding
Just on the topic of dihydrocodeine I stopped taking this as it was making me so drowsy I felt it was unsafe especially at night holding a newborn 😳😳 I suspect my reaction was different to most but I am curious if anyone else had this! Xx
@Marria I had forceps and episotomy with additional stitching too. I’m 3 days pp and the only thing that’s helped are these xxx https://amzn.eu/d/bMDIvFt
Maybe check it’s not infected? I had extreme pain from stitches with my first baby and it turned out the wound has got infected and stitches burst