I had one 2 weeks ago and it was amazing I had one with my first and I was in agony with my first so this time round felt alot better
@Glynis aw I’m so glad!!! Oh 100% hun!! I’m not against any pain relief, just wanted to hear how people found it as I think it sounds scarier than it is if that makes sense 🤣
@Katie thank you so much for this lovely! Glad you found it better this time round 🤍
I had one with my December 2021 baby. I couldn't stand the pain any longer so it was a god send to me. I'm pregnant with no2 and will most likely do it again x
I never thought I would have one due to the horror storys I had heard but ended up doing so with my second labour in Dec 2021 as I'd had enough of the pain ( he took 38 hours and his older sister was only 6 hours) well worth it and recovery went well for us xx
Best thing I done x
I never intended on getting one but I labored for 5 days sporadically and once my water broke and the descending felt like I was gonna rip my intestines out. The pressure on my butt was too much. I got one at 7cm dilation and slept for a few and woke up and baby was delivered within 20 mins. No complications postpartum.
@Ruby thank you for this lovely! I think I’m going to get one this time round 🤍
@Emma that’s it isn’t it! The stories are what made me question it first time round but I couldn’t have that pain again. So glad you had a good experience with it 🤍
I had an epidural with my son in 2021 as we were back to back and I couldn't cope with the pain. Then I had another epidural with my daughter last June as I was induced and found the pain even more intense than with my son and it was a lot more relaxed because it was all planned etc. The first epidural with her did fail but it was just a case of take it out and do it again so don't let the failed epidural stories scare you either! X
I had the walking epidural, where they start minimal so can you still walk around etc, and you get given a button to keep topping it up. If I felt like that wasn't working they would have gotten the Dr back to raise the dosage
@Kath I had that one but definitely couldn't walk 😂 x
I had an epidural because I had to have an emergency C-section with my son. After all, he was in distress, and so was I, but everything went fine. After it wore off, I was up walking around and only stayed for one night. I was so glad because I didn't sleep until I went home.
@Leah oh bless you hun! I’m so glad that the epidural was good for you both times as well! Honestly looking back I’m like whyyy did I not take the epidural because like you say back to back was horrendous! But it was those stories that put me off. But this time round, I’ll be taking it if I need it! Thank you so much for this 🤍
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@Kath ah ok! This is handy to know, thank you so much 🤍
@Melody aw absolutely, at the end of the day as long as you and baby are ok it doesn’t matter how they get here. But I’m glad everything was ok for you too 🤍
Didn’t have one with first as he came too fast Second I wanted one but they were too busy and I had to wait until I was fully dilated BUT the pain just melted away once I had it I was so on the fence to have one too and wish I’d said I’d have it earlier (as I would have been front of the queue if I’d committed straight away) And my second birth was a lot longer I really thought he would come super quick as my first was But sadly not the case!
I have drugs as well and gas before hand but was sick multiple times with them & epidural was a dream
I had one with my December 21 baby, I really didn’t want one from all the horror stories but after being induced and dilating very slowly I opted for one as the pain was too much. It was amazing and really helped me through the next 12 hours but I couldn’t feel my legs, even though it was meant to be the walking one, so I do wonder if being stuck in a bed made my labour longer as gravity wasn’t on my side. Mine was due to be topped up as I started to push so I declined the top up which definitely helped me know when to push ☺️
I bloody loved mine, highly reccomend!x
@Kath sorry I’ve just seen this hun but thank you so much! Amazing that the pain going was instant too 🤍
@Glynis oh bless you lovely but I’m so glad the epidural helped! 🤍
It was absolute bliss and I loved the guy Jack who done mine had no issues with recovery either. I had all my pain in the back during labour and ended up an emergency section so needed a top up before surgery. U win no prizes for bravery and suffering in pain