Hi Ashlee! I also began experiencing hair loss/shedding around 4 months pp. I decided to do a sew in installation to mentally combat the thought of losing hair and in some way I felt like it would be better to have a protective style to help with the shedding and maintenance. Knotless braids would have been a better option, since they still allow your scalp to breathe and avoid so much tension. At the same time, as we know with braiding styles, our hair will also shed once we decide to take them out. If you’re going to get them, I’d suggest not keeping them in too long and carefully detangling once they’re removed. Unfortunately the shedding is apart of the process, but it lightens up a bit over time( I’m now 1 yr pp and it’s gotten a lot better). Stay hydrated and eat well to help balance your hormones again.
Hey I also experience hair loss around 4 months. Promise, the hair loss goes away. it is just your hormones. That said, i will suggest not to get braids as it puts a strain on your scalp.
Just come here to say I feel your pain, I'm 6 months pp