Hello everyone!

What's some things you ladies do to help control you're bpd I'll go first 🧡🫶🏻 I like to go on walks, read, cuddle my kiddos, listen to music. I just got diagnosed a couple months ago were working on getting me on the right medication!
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When I was younger and obviously more active, I used to read, go on walks, and sing. I do these things as much as I can now as well.

The TIPP skill helps, more ice therapy than anything. I need that shock to my system to help regulate it. I'm struggling finding normal things to help keep my symtp in check. I'm in the process of trying to come out of a spiral

Diagnosed right after birth 2 years ago. Meditation most days 5-8 minutes, 15-20 if I get off work early. 5 minutes of 4-8 breathing on the way to daycare pickup. Deep breaths throughout the day with quick body scans - stressful healthcare job. Cardio - 20 minute runs 2x/week (all the time I can afford! Lol) Sleep sleep sleep - I just started magnesium bisglycinate (talk to your provider) and it's helping with deeper sleep Also playing with protein within the first 30 minutes of waking Water - omg I didn't realize I'm often mildly dehydrated and it's so regulating to hydrate I feel like I have to constantly regulate to not spiral. Sometimes the self care/management feels exhausting!

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